A Diamonds cut, clarity, color are the factors we use to set value. Lab Grow Diamonds are forcing real Diamond prices down ! many predict Prices will drop as much as 50 % more in the next few years !!!! Now is the time to sell
Diamond Buyer in Riverside, ca
Do you have quality diamonds over 1 ct. A diamonds cut ,clarity,color are the factor that set its value, also desirability We specialize in diamonds over 5ct but we also buy diamonds from 1ct on up. Tiffany, David Webb, and other high end designer are needed. We can help you liquidate high quality diamond and estate jewelry. GIA and EGL certified diamonds over 1.ct. If you have diamonds that you would like us to sell for you. call for an appointment in our private and safe offices. 951-686-2122 or 1-800-953-3027